Armando Mesías (1986) is a Colombian-born artist. Through his work, he seeks to explore an ever fleeting essence of the self, and the effect memory, context and the passage of time have its emergence. Armando’s work acts as a metaphor for the entropic nature of being, constantly reflecting change and open-endness. His pieces usually develop over different stages of his research and long spans of time. Over the years, the canvases are shaped through wear and decay as well as intentional marks and gestures in order to add a minimum element of control; a nod to his classical training in painting and drawing. He currently lives and works in Madrid.

2023 Almost Perfect, Tokyo, Japan
2021 Villa Lena Foundation, Tuscany, Italy
2021 Pocoapoco, Oaxaca, México
2015 Residência LAR, Lagos, Portugal

2023 Un Hogar En El Tiempo, La Caja, Madrid, Spain
2023 A Power Reverse Ritual, Galerie Ground, New York, United States
2023 A Box Shaped Heart, Almost Perfect, Tokyo, Japan
2023 No Garden Looks The Same Twice, Galerie Ground, Los Angeles, United States
2022 The Curse Of Knowledge, Galerie Ground, Los Angeles, United States
2019 Room 45, Around Lounges by Programa Taide, Madrid, Spain
2019 The Suspended Man, Spirito by Spiwak Hotel, Cali, Colombia
2019 The Fragmented Man, Kayas, Lisboa, Portugal
2016 KYOTO/CALI, L-Experiment, Paris, France
2015 LAC, Galeria LAR, Laboraório de Actividades Criativas, Lagos, Portugal

2013 - 2014 | Master of Arts, MA Illustration, UAL Camberwell College of Arts, London, UK
2015 - 2019 | Traditional Drawing and Painting Programme s. XIX. Barcelona Academy of Art Barcelona, España
2014 - 2015 | Post Graduate in Innovation and Design Thinking. BAU Centro Universitario de diseño de Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain
2005 - 2009 | Bachelor in Industrial Design Universidad Icesi, Cali, Colombia

2023 ALT Form / Stahl+Band / Venice, California, USA
2022 Le Paradis En Rose / Vogel / Nice, France
2022 Vogel Pop-up Gallery / Vogel / Stuttgart, Germany
2021 Summer Show / Vogel / Munich, Germany
2021 All I Think About Is You / Galerie Georg Nothelfer / Berlin, Germany
2021 Aesthetic Objects / Galerie Ground / Los Angeles, USA
2020 ¿Qué es Liminal? / Ercilla 24 / Madrid, Spain
2019 Shapes of Color / Bach’s Studio & Gallery / Barcelona, Spain
2019 Homeful / Diamantina & la Perla / Medellín, Colombia
2019 Inside Thoughts / Bach’s Studio & Gallery / Barcelona, Spain
2018 Nude / Diamantina & la Perla / Bogotá, Colombia
2018 20th Designs / Matiz / Barcelona, Spain
2018 Bach’s Gallery Opening / Bach’s Studio & Gallery / Barcelona, Spain
2015 Amsterdam Light Festival / Amsterdam, Netherlands
2014 Slow 2 / Choko / Barcelona, Spain
2014 Kissing in Traffic / London, UK
2014 Assembly / Chelsea College of Arts Alumni Show / London,UK
2014 Hong Kong Contemporary 14 / with Sieger Gallery London / Hong Kong
2014 Selected Degree Work / Camberwell Space / London, UK
2014 MA Illustration Degree Show, UAL / London, UK  
2014 Merging Inks / London, UK
2014 Canción Canción / Cine Tonalá / Bogotá, Colombia
2014 Esta Noche No Me Esperen en la Casa / Bogotá, Colombia  
2014 Pomegranate / Camberwell College of Arts / London, UK
2013 Back Alley / Los Angeles, USA
2013 El Garaje / Galería el Garaje / Bogotá, Colombia
2013 Color Latino / Lecheria, Venezuela
2013 Rojo Bermelo / Mexico City, Mexico        
2012 Puma Urban Art / Buenos Aires, Argentina
2012 Festival de Cine de la Habana / La Habana, Cuba
2012 Los Visitantes / Rojo Bermelo / Mexico City, Mexico
2012 According to Them / Zaa Spaces / Miami, USA
2012 Festival Marte / Medellín, Colombia